Month: February 2007


    I am doing so well!  I don't have to have Chemotherapy...only radiation.  I'm so relieved.  Coming right on the tail end of my recovery from surgery, we all got the most awful flu that we have ever had.  I had it for almost three weeks.  So while I was feeling great about the cancer outcome, I was knocked off my feet and didn't feel so good about life.  I'm finally getting better every day.

    Unfortunately, Cathy (DesertRose) went into kidney failure this last week and received her first dialysis on Thursday.  This has hit me very hard because she is so much more than my best friend: I consider her my sister.  I have been too sick to go and visit and make the drive there but maybe next weekend I will.  For those of you who know our eerie similarities, I think that we both count on each other to keep living.  So I feel like I'm holding her hand and pulling her forward now.  She may not know it....

    With all of this in my life, I have had to re-evaluate the way that I live...just as many do when they're faced with a life-threatening illness.   It made me face the ultimate, "Do I want to live?" question.  This may seem like an easy answer but life has been so hard for me for so long that I waver.  For now, I have decided that I WANT to live and I WILL live for the people that I love.  In time, I hope that it will be for me, too.

    Have you ever fallen in love with a bathtub?  I did this week.  Of course I can't buy it but if I were wealthy, THIS is the bathtub that I would have, soak in, and dream in.  It would probably be outside, too. 
