Month: May 2007

  • roses-xanga    xanga-roses-2

    I said I didn't like to reread my journal but I'm not only rereading my entry from today, I'm posting part of it (uncensored).  There was a lesson for me.

    On the patio this morning, I noticed that Jim had picked an arrangement of roses and put them in a vase.  I sat and wrote:

    ...a quote from a book that I'm reading has really helped me these past few days:

    "The moment you are in contains all that you need to master, all your lessons, all your opportunities-if you will listen and expand with it."

    I'm trying to listen.

    I sit here looking at a flower arrangement of roses that Jim picked.  It's so natural and freeflowing-the roses are all over and it's so not-staged.  This is my life.  A floral arranger might not do this but it is so much more beautiful than a planned arrangement.


    The large stem is my strength-strong, strong stems and profuse blooming.  Some of the other roses are nearly spent and dropping petals.  Some perfectly formed and hiding under the huge stems of strong growth.  Many haven't bloomed yet, but most will.  A bee is inside the center of one of the really opened blooms, the spent bloom.  It's serving its purpose in the world and then it will shrivel and completely die.

    My life-so unplanned.  The light and shadows are one of the things that make it beautiful.

    I see the arrangement from another angle.  There are roses that I couldn't see from my view at the table.  It smells heavenly when I walk past it.  The leaves-the green are not as spectacular but it is what makes the bunch of roses so beautiful-the balance of color.
    The roses face different directions: some look like they're seeking the sun and some turned away.  It is the most beautiful vase of flowers that I have ever seen.  It suits me.

    This moment.  This is my life.

